Warp Terminal

Warp terminal claims to be a "a blazingly fast, rust-based terminal reimagined from the ground up to work like a modern app". Here we will go over some of my favorite features and discuss why I made the switch.

Warp Terminal screen shot


If you are on Mac you can head over to Warp.dev and download it from there or you can use brew to install Warp with the following command:

1brew install --cask warp


The idea of Warp is to bring the default terminal into the future by adding ease-of-use features like the following:

Warp terminal is a super exciting development with terminals and is definitely worth checking out even if you don't stick with it. It has an enterprise plan for teams that includes collaboration with other team members and a few other features. I will be watching this as it becomes more developed but I am excited to use it for now.