Ternary Operators in JS

A ternary operator is a type of conditional operator that allows for inline if statements. The ternary operator is suer useful once you know how to use it and can reduce the amount of logic in an application and are often used when you need to assign a value to a variable based on a condition.

The basic syntax of a ternary operator is as follows:

1condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse;

The condition is evaluated first. If it's true, the expressionIfTrue is executed and its result is returned. If it's false, the expressionIfFalse is executed and its result is returned.

First, you need to identify the condition that you want to evaluate. This can be any expression that evaluates to a boolean value (true or false).

For example, you might want to check if a variable is equal to a certain value:

1const x = 5;
2const condition = x === 5;

Step 2: Write the ternary operator Next, you can write the ternary operator using the condition you identified in step 1.

1const result = condition ? "Yes" : "No";

In this example, if the condition is true, the string 'Yes' is returned. If it's false, the string 'No' is returned.

Step 3: Use the result Finally, you can use the result of the ternary operator wherever you need it in your code. For example:

1console.log(result); // Output: 'Yes'

Here's a more complex example that demonstrates how you can use ternary operators to build more complex expressions:

1const age = 25;
2const isAdult = age >= 18 ? true : false;
3const message = isAdult ? "You are an adult" : "You are not an adult";
4console.log(message); // Output: 'You are an adult'

In this example, the condition age >= 18 is evaluated first. If it's true, the isAdult variable is assigned the value true. If it's false, isAdult is assigned the value false.

Next, the ternary operator is used to determine the value of the message variable. If isAdult is true, the message 'You are an adult' is returned. If it's false, the message 'You are not an adult' is returned.