Benchmarking Node JS vs Bun

Recently Bun added a compiling feature in version 0.6.1. Curious about its functionality, I conducted a comparison between compiled and uncompiled versions as a baseline. I also tested it against Node JS compiled with pkg. Here are the results!


The results above show that uncompiled Bun code is the fastest of the four tested methods and it is 250% faster than the second fastest, uncompiled Node.


In this test, I ran four benchmarks on Node JS and Bun default HTTP modules using the wrk command below.


1wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s


Here's the code that each test used respectively, I keep things as simple as possible to focus on the core HTTP performance of each framework.


2  port: 3000,
3  async fetch(request) {
4    return new Response("Welcome to Bun!");
5  },


1const http = require("http");
3const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
4  res.end("Welcome to Node!");
6server.listen(3000, "localhost");

Uncompiled Benchmarks


1Running 30s test @
2  12 threads and 400 connections
3  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
4    Latency     1.19ms  190.99us  11.61ms   92.16%
5    Req/Sec    16.88k     5.16k   33.84k    57.33%
6  6061438 requests in 30.10s, 757.26MB read
7  Socket errors: connect 155, read 93, write 0, timeout 0
8Requests/sec: 201346.62
9Transfer/sec:     25.15MB


1Running 30s test @
2  12 threads and 400 connections
3  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
4    Latency     3.00ms  352.38us  27.28ms   98.85%
5    Req/Sec     6.74k     2.01k   16.86k    67.48%
6  2418249 requests in 30.10s, 320.56MB read
7  Socket errors: connect 155, read 113, write 0, timeout 0
8Requests/sec:  80333.19
9Transfer/sec:     10.65MB

Compiled Benchmarks


To compile the server using Bun, I used the following command.

1bun build --compile bun_server.js
1Running 30s test @
2  12 threads and 400 connections
3  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
4    Latency     1.18ms  194.89us   8.22ms   92.22%
5    Req/Sec    16.80k     6.94k   49.71k    60.40%
6  6029319 requests in 30.10s, 753.25MB read
7  Socket errors: connect 157, read 96, write 0, timeout 0
8Requests/sec: 200285.12
9Transfer/sec:     25.02MB


To compile a Node JS application into a single binary file I used the package pkg which was created by the founder of Vercel. It supports making a compile script that is able to automatically compile the server when run but for this test, I used the CLI command like below.

1pkg node_server.js

For more information and installation instructions on pkg see the official NPM page.

1Running 30s test @
2  12 threads and 400 connections
3  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
4    Latency     3.13ms  265.98us  21.10ms   98.80%
5    Req/Sec     6.46k     2.26k   10.97k    66.47%
6  2313736 requests in 30.04s, 306.71MB read
7  Socket errors: connect 155, read 108, write 0, timeout 0
8Requests/sec:  77023.24
9Transfer/sec:     10.21MB


Bun can be a lot faster than Node and it's going to be very exciting to see the further development of the project. This does not take away from Node however, Bun is still unstable as good as it is and it has a pretty different style that takes getting used to. I know that I will be using Bun in future projects but will stay with Node for anything that needs reliability. One thing that does need to be addressed before Bun can be seen as a competitor to Node is the documentation.